These are intended to be middle-level introductory books rather than more academic ones - and so for church workers, trainees and elders rather than the minister who should be reading to a greater depth too. They are not provided to put pressure that they must all be read within a couple of years, but more to highlight key books it would be good to read at some time and that can be accessed when needed to help in ministry.
1 Reformed theology - What is reformed theology - Sproul
2 Biblical theology - God's big picture, Roberts
3 OT theology book by book - The Faith of Israel, Dumbrell
4 NT theology book by book - New Testament Theology, Morris
5 Systematic theology – Systematic theology, Grudem
6 Church - Centre Church, Keller
7 Culture - Mission of God, Boot
8 Ethics - New Issues facing Christians today, Stott
9 Work - Every good endeavour, Keller
10 Suffering - How long O Lord, Carson
11 Independency - Independency, ed. Stevens
12 Church history - Church history in plain language, Shelley
13 Commitment - Don't waste your life, Piper
14 Disciplines - Spiritual disciplines of the Christian life, Whitney
15 Prayer - A praying life, Miller
16 Godliness - The practice of Godliness, Bridges
17 Bonhoeffer (biography), Eric Metaxas
18 A chance to die (a biography of Amy Charmichael), Elizabeth Elliot
19 Time management - Time for everything, Fuller
20 Eldership – The shepherd leader, Witmer
21 Ministry - The trellis and the vine, Marshall and Payne
22 Preaching - Speaking God's words, Adam
23 Leading worship - Worship in Spirit and Truth, Frame
24 Pastoral Care - Instruments in the redeemer hands, Tripp
25 Tackling sin - You can change, Chester
26 Leadership - Wisdom in leadership, Hamilton
27 Evangelism - Everyday church, Timmis and Chester
28 Apologetics - The reason for God, Keller
29 Bible study - Growth Groups, Marshall
30 One to one - One to one, DeWitt
31 Youth - Gospel centred youth ministry, Cole and Nelson
32 Women - Word-Filled Women's Ministry, Furman and Nielson
33 Parenting - Parenting against the tide, Benton
34 Family - Gospel centred family, Chester and Moll
35 Marriage - Married for God, Ash
Computer software:
1 The one I use is Logos bible software. You can have it on your PC, tablet and phone, and the amount of resources it can access means you can do a lot of cross-referencing within it. You can download the basic software for free and then pay to add modern Bible translations (I predominantly use the NIV and the NASB as a more literal version – Greek too if you are up to it), and reference books (there are an innumerable amount and the various IVP dictionaries in particular are worth looking at, but key would be the New Bible Commentary and the New Bible Dictionary).
2 E-Sword is an extremely good and free Bible software package that you can have on your PC or as an app on tablet or phone.
Some more historical reading:
A theology reader, Ed. Alistair McGrath
Early Christian writings: The apostolic fathers, ed. Louth
Confessions (autobiography), Augustine
Ecclesiastical history of the English People, Bede
Calvin's Institutes, John Calvin
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, Brooks
Concerning the end for which God created the World, Jonathan Edwards
Lectures to my students, CH Spurgeon
The inspiration and authority of the Bible, BB Warfield
The cost of discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Essentials: A liberal-evangelical dialogue, Edwards and Stott
Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism, ed. Packer and Stamoolis
Roman Catholic Theology and Practice, Gregg Allison
The kingdom of the cults, Walter Martin
Amazing Grace (a biography of William Wilberforce), Eric Metaxas
Susanna Wesley (biography), Arnold Dallimore
The Apocrypha